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Comprehensive CR-I documents including standards, tools, guidelines

The CR-I Carbon Standard establishes rules and requirements for design, development, inclusion of projects, new methodologies and tools, along with rules and requirements for implementation, operation, monitoring of registered projects and other related activities permitted.

The CR-I Validation and Verification Standard establishes rules and requirements for Validation of proposed projects, Verification of Net GHG emission reductions from implemented projects and assessment of New Methodologies.

Glossary of Terms of Carbon RegistryIndia (CR-I), provides definition to the terms used in the standards, procedures, tools, guidelines and any other document(s) of the Registry.

These Terms and Conditions set out the terms on which NCCF offers to make the Registry Platform available to the User to be used for all the Project cycle procedures as prescribed in Registration and Issuance Procedure (“RIP”) and/or Methodology cycle procedures as prescribed in Methodology Approval Procedure (“MAP”).